
At Rowena it is our intent to provide a Music curriculum which will encourage children to enjoy singing, composing and performing music and ultimately enable each child to reach their full potential.

We value music as a form of communication. Exposing children to music during early development helps them to learn the sounds and meaning of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to develop their potential in Music and we aim to nurture and encourage musical development across the academy. We have high ambition for all our pupils, and we ensure disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND receive the full curriculum offer.

It is our intent that we make Music an enjoyable learning experience. Our teaching focuses on providing a variety of musical experiences in which to develop the children’s ability to sing in tune, understand rhythm and follow a beat. Through singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music, making comparisons between significant musical figures in history and modern-day musicians. The Music curriculum reflects the needs of all our pupils as well as broadens and deepens their vocabulary. We teach technical terms such as volume, pitch, beat and rhythm and encourage children to discuss music using these phrases. The curriculum also develops greater oracy skills and helps children to self-regulate their emotions. Thus, improving their mental health.

In Nursery, we use music, rhyme and rhythm to encourage pupil’s listening skills and focus. Music is used frequently within each nursery session. It is used to support routines, build confidence, as a celebration, to support early motor skills and as a calming resource.

In Reception, pupils are encouraged to confidently express themselves to music. They use a range of instruments to communicate feeling. Singing and listening to music and rhyme is an essential part of our early years curriculum. Pupils are encouraged and supported to perform a favourite song in groups or as a solo. This develops their confidence to perform for an audience. During our explicit music lesson, pupils are introduced to pulse and rhythm and begin to recognise this in familiar songs and rhymes.

In Key Stage 1, pupils explore the basic principles of rhythm, pulse and melody. Pupils have the opportunity to compose using percussion instruments. They start recording their music using pictorial representation. In addition to this, children are offered an opportunity to join ‘Choir Club’ in Year 1.

We also hold annual nativities and end of year performances which parents and relatives are invited to attend and are always popular.